Plastic injection molding operates at a very high pressure, meaning that the melted plastic is pressed harder against the mold than in other molding processes. This provides the advantage of a greater amount of detail in the design of the piece being molded, included complex geometry or detailed features.
The injection molding process is also very fast compared to other molding processes. A full injection molding process takes very little time, which allows for far more products to be generated from the same mold. Therefore, you get a lot more mileage out of a single mold. Injection molding is highly efficient.
Injection molding is a highly automated process. Most injection molding is done by machines that a single operator can run. Therefore, very little overhead will have to go into paying the labor force in a plastic injection molding process.
Injection molding is a monomer-free process. Monomers are a type of plastic that create a lot of fumes, which many people have a negative physical reaction to. Therefore, any molding process that employs monomers require a good deal of ventilation. If you use injection molding, you will not have to worry about these problems.
When you use injection molding, you have the option of molding two different types of plastic at once. This process is called co-injection molding. Therefore, you do not have to worry about access to a particular type of plastic.
Injection molding makes use of thermoplastics. Thermoplastics can be injected into the mold, then the excess can be remelted and used again. Therefore, injection molding can save you on materials. Thermoplastics can also come in a wide variety of densities or strengths.
Injection molding provides you with the option of using fillers in your molds. Fillers are used to reduce the density of the plastic as it is molded as well as provide greater strength to the product once it is molded. This is another method of reducing the total cost of the process.